How to use the Compatibility Administrator utility in Windows.

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Create a Custom Compatibility Mode (Windows 10) - Windows Deployment | Microsoft Docs - Compatibility Modes 


Compatibility administrator windows 10.Removing an Application from Compatibility Administrator


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- Compatibility Administrator User's Guide (Windows 10) - Windows Deployment | Microsoft Docs


So I'm trying to run an old game in Windows 10, and I've noticed that Windows will always apply a fix in order to always look for the application exe, and elevate it to administrator mode.

You'll notice that by simply changing the application name, Windows no longer requires administrator mode for this application. I shopped around on google and found that I need to use Compatibility Administrator Toolkit in order to view the Application Compatibility Database, this is where I found the entry for my game.

The problem is that I cannot disable administrator mode for this entry. I need to run this game as the same name MassEffect. Is there anyway for me to do this? A round about solution would be to run Steam in administrator mode, but I am not comfortable with doing this just so that it picks up a single game in my library. I need a way to be able to delete this entry or prevent it from picking up the application and elevating it to administrator.

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Thoroughly research any product advertised on the sites before you decide to download and install it. Now an Independent Advisor. I do not quit for those who are polite and cooperative. Details required : characters remaining Cancel Submit. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to reply but you misunderstood the question. Windows has a compatibility layer that forces searches for this application and forces it to run with administrator regardless of what the user sets.

The only way to fix this is to either delete the entry which is impossible because windows set it up during their application compatibility check when they were building windows 10 or to set up a whitelist. I ended up solving this problem myself. Running Steam in Administrator mode is not the correct response. The correct way to do so is to setup a whitelist. A whitelist will override the compatibility fix that Microsoft applied and revert the application to regular user permissions.

Run Compatibility Administrator bit , this will allow us to modify the application as it is a bit application. If the application you are fixing is bit, launch the bit Administrator instead. Identify and locate the problem Application. You'll notice that someone at Microsoft decided that Mass Effect will only ever correctly run when running as the highest user privileged. This is a nono for us so we are going to override this entry with a whitelist.

You cannot modify or delete any entries in the bundled database that Windows has included. Create a new database and Application Fix. For me I'll be locating Mass Effect, followed by recreating the existing entry, with the only modification being "Run as Invoker" instead of "Run as Highest".

This will solve our UAC prompt problem and also allow the game to run without administrator permissions. To actually apply the fix, you'll need to save and install the database you created. Save the whitelist somewhere on your computer, and then right click and install. I got an error testing the application when launching it from the Compatibility Administrator, but this was fixed by launching from Steam without Administrator mode.

Take note that the reason Microsoft added Mass Effect to the compatibility database is due to the way Bioware setup the application. The Application itself requires Administrator on initial launch to set up registry for PhysX. It does not need Administrator permissions afterwards so it's confusing why they bundled it with the application rather than with the installer. Unfortunately, in an effort to fix this, Microsoft breaks any ability to run supporting applications like Steam Overlay by including the application on an administrator compatibility list.

Hopefully someone at Microsoft reads this and removes the fix entry from the database so that people don't have to do this in the first place. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.

Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. I shopped around on google and found that I need to use Compatibility Administrator Toolkit in order to view the Application Compatibility Database, this is where I found the entry for my game The problem is that I cannot disable administrator mode for this entry.

I have the same question 0. Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Hi Mykie. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site.

Hi Greg, Thank you for taking the time to reply but you misunderstood the question. Mykie - Then you'll need to run Steam in Administrator mode. There is no reason not to do this.

If it's your PC then you should run from an Admin account and run everything as Admin to avoid problems like this. But the game may simply be too old now to run in the latest version of Windows. I would not expect anything that old to run without problems, but give it the Admin assist to see if it defies odds. STEP 5: To actually apply the fix, you'll need to save and install the database you created.

Mykie, I am waiting here for your reply so I know what to suggest next. Were you going to reply? Did you get the game running? This site in other languages x.


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